


翻译自Birding Beijing博客,博主是Terry Townshend是在北京的英籍观鸟人。他创作这些博文的目的是反映在北京这一复杂而矛盾的城市中的生活体验和观鸟活动。下面这篇博文介绍了天津北大港的非法绝户网(即网眼孔径小、网线很细且不易察觉到不鸟网,天津似无此词汇,山东可能更常用)捕鸟事件,并介绍了Shi Jin发起的China Currents网站上的护鸟行动。作者呼吁更多人关注非法捕鸟和Shi的网页,并希望了解相关政策的读者对捕鸟网相关的法律法规进行详细解读。 这里列出译文和原文。原文链接:http://birdingbeijing.com/2012/10/24/action-against-illegal-mist-nets-in-china/








Shi Jin(按:中文名“史進”),一个北京观鸟者,已经忍够了。于是他发起了一个曝光这些非法行为的活动。他用中英文做了一个精致的网页,希望能够让不法行为揭露示众。他鼓励网友发来他们相关经历的图片和简短文字介绍。已经有一些网友上传了一些令人震惊的图片。




Action Against Illegal Mist Nets in China

I recently wrote a short blog post about illegal mist nets in China.  In that post I expressed optimism that the practice of trapping and killing birds might be slowly dying out in China.

Shortly after I wrote that post, a Swedish birding colleague based in Tianjin discovered up to 2km (!) of illegal nets in a large reedbed at Beidagang Reservoir, supposedly a nature reserve.  This sparked an outcry from local birders and, with the help of Chinese birding friends in Beijing and Tianjin, these nets have now been photographed, the details reported to the local authorities and those nets that were reachable have been destroyed.

Birders with experience of ringing birds in similar habitats in China have provided a rough estimate of the number of birds that might be killed in nets of this scale.  One explained that, in a typical 3-hour morning period, you would expect to catch and ring 50 to 60 birds in three lines of mist nets with a total length of 250 meters.

If we use these figures, and simple math, to estimate the impact of the illegal mist nets at Beidagang Reservoir, we reach a total of 400 birds per day.  However, this is clearly a minimum as the ringing data is based on only 3 hours of peak activities in the early morning.  The real number could easily be 600 or more per day for 2 kms of mist nets that are in place 24 hrs a day.  Going further, if we consider a migration period of 3 months, this gives a total of 55,000 birds that could be killed every year in this single line of mist nets.  If there are 20 places like this along the chinese coast (which is undoubtedly a conservative estimate), the total quickly multiplies to 1 million birds killed every year during autumn migration.  This is simply unacceptable.

Shi Jin, a Beijing-based birder, has had enough and has started a new initiative to publicise this illegal activity. Adedicated web page has been set up, in Chinese and English, with the purpose of highlighting and shaming those involved.  Readers are encouraged to send in photographs and short texts about their experiences.  Already several contributors have uploaded some shocking images.

At the same time, there has been outcry on Chinese social media networks this week after a video was published by undercover journalist Li Feng from Changsha Evening News showing how hunters in Hunan Province are using lights to lure in migrants at night before blasting them with (illegal) guns.  You can view the (disturbing) video here.

It is encouraging that this illegal activity is now receiving public attention and the reaction of ordinary netizens has been overwhelmingly hostile towards the perpetrators.  By building public awareness and increasing the pressure on the police and local authorities to put a stop to this practice, there is a chance that this disgusting and illegal activity can be eradicated.

If you have any examples of illegal bird trapping in China, or would simply like to offer your support to this campaign, please visit the site and either upload your experiences or leave a comment.  Let’s keep up the pressure to help save these wild birds.

附1:Terry Townshend给译者的留言回复

Dear Xiangxi,
Thank you for your comment. It is great to hear from you. Of course, I would be delighted if you were able to translate my post into Chinese and publish on Chinese social networking sites.. The more publicity we can generate the better! Please let me know what response you receive.
Best wishes, Terry


Dear Meng Xiangxi

Thanks for your message.

I am happy that the website can help to inspire others.

Please do circulate it to as many people as possible.

Also PLEASE ask them to link to it on their weibo.

PLEASE also ask them to write to popular weibo uses and ask them to help.

The more we can highlight the problem, AND the more we can highlight the great work of the local heroes from Tianjin, the better it will be for the birds.

Best regards from Beijing

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